Nadia MargherioShe’s an effective and compassionate Charlotte family law attorney, but Nadia Margherio’s passion for serving others started long before practicing law. As part of Sodoma Law’s new, reoccurring series “Get to Know Sodoma Law,” we sat down with Nadia to learn more about her life outside of the office. There’s a lot to know about this active mother of three’s guilty pleasures and what motivates her!

A Passion for Children

Part of what motivates Nadia as a lawyer also motivated her as a college student who planned to attend medical school: a desire to help children. So, why didn’t she become a pediatrician as intended? As Nadia tells it, getting a ‘C’ in college chemistry made her rethink her plans. After much consideration, she decided to help children in a different way by getting her Masters in Social Work and eventually pursuing a career in family law!

When asked what she loves about working in the legal field, Nadia replies that “being a voice and advocate for children” is what she enjoys most, and goes on to say that she loves “finding ways to reduce parental conflict” and being “the constant reminder to parents that children should always be the primary focus and the center of attention” in family law cases.

Life Outside the Law Office

In addition to helping families navigate through the difficulties of divorce and other legal situations, Nadia also leads a spirited, rewarding life outside the office! To prove the point, we asked her what she’d do if she had an entire Saturday off.

As a single mother of three, she quickly pointed out the unlikelihood of a free Saturday, but with a little coaxing, she indulged our question and said that she’d spend a care-free Saturday at a “resort pool,” where she would get a massage, get in a great workout, and then have someone serve her food and drinks poolside.

When asked what she’d eat if she could only eat one thing for the rest of her life, Nadia declared pizza and french fries as her top choice. As she explains, “I love pizza and french fries, but I maintain a healthy diet, so I limit eating both. Therefore, the one thing I would eat for the rest of my life would be pizza topped with french fries!” If you had to choose something to eat forever, why not make it comfort food!?

Life Before Practicing Law

Nadia Margherio wasn’t always the successful family attorney she is today. She even spent time as a graduate student operating a “frozen lemonade stand” in Myrtle Beach! “It was an old-fashioned push cart that I pushed down a one-mile segment of beach back and forth from 9am-5pm. And while pushing, you had to ring a bell,” she recounts. “The job wasn’t too difficult on the hard packed sand, but during high tide it was tough to push! I had the best calves and the best tan that summer.”

After graduating with her Masters in Social Work, Nadia worked with children and their families represented by the Public Defender’s Office and often served as an expert witness for the Assistant Public Defender – an experience that ultimately compelled her to pursue family law. “I knew I could do even more for families if I was the one representing them in court,” she recalls.

Life as a Family Lawyer

Nadia has no regrets about becoming an attorney. It allows her to advocate for children in ways that would be impossible if she were a physician. Her dedication to helping children and her personal talents are inspirational to our entire firm, and her passion for life makes her great company outside the office!

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