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Parental Alienation is a hot topic in high conflict Child Custody Cases across the country.  Unfortunately, the terms are used so frequently, the Courts often disregard the significant harm Parental Alienation can cause in a parent-child relationship particularly because there has never been a “diagnosis” of this behavior.   A group of health professionals has continued to push for Parental Alienation to be a diagnosable disorder that is recognized.  Finally, on May 18, 2013, a new DSM-5 was published.  This publication has been and will continue to be widely used as a reference book for psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health providers.  While Parental Alienation is not a separate diagnosis in the reference publication, there were other diagnoses listed that would support the spirit of a Parental Alienation case.  For more information, contact info@www.sodomalaw.com.

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