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Adoption Resources From Sodoma Law

“Anyone who ever wondered how much they could love a child who did not spring from their own loins, know this: it is the same. The feeling of love is so profound, it’s incredible and surprising.”
Nia Vardalos, Instant Mom
There are many ways to grow your family, and choosing to adopt a child is a very unique and special way that Sodoma Law gets to help families do just that. Adoptions come in all shapes and sizes – you can be biologically related or not; the child can come to the parents through foster care, an agency or an individual; some children are infants and others are almost adults. But the thing that makes these varied situations all the same is the desire by people to tie themselves together. To form a legal bond, a bond that will last forever.

At Sodoma Law we understand that just thinking about starting an adoption can make families anxious. After all, there is a lot to think about. People face a wide array of emotions and have to consider a lot of different aspects, all at once. Families have to take into consideration the financial implications, the impact on your existing family, completing all the requirements, and so on. At Sodoma Law, we have experience helping families with adoptions of all kinds. We feel it is our duty and privilege to share what we know and provide adoption resources to people to educate and empower them.

Below are links to articles we have written on topics involving adoption, each one focusing on a different aspect or point of view. You will also find other adoption resources, like websites and tools, to help you navigate this process. We are here to help navigate this process, and to be your families advocate. As family law attorneys, there are few things that bring us more joy than being a part of making what you already know legally official – THIS is a family. Your Family.


For information on different types of Adoption, click here.

This Adoption FAQ will answer many initial questions.

Exploring a Termination of Parental Rights includes some points on the impact on adoption.

The Adoption Rollercoaster shares information based on an interview with an adoptive parent.

For a closer look at Adoptive Parents and Workplace Rights, look here.

Open and Closed Adoptions in North Carolina explains their differences.

For how to deal with Adoption Issues and the Classroom, check this article out.

NC Department of Health and Human Services provides forms necessary to the adoption process.

For information on home studies in North Carolina, including a checklist, take a look at this guide.

Here are 101 Adoption Fundraising Ideas that you have to check out!

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